Connect with God, Angels and Ascended Masters! Roy Posch
Connect with God, Angels and Ascended Masters! Roy Posch
YOU GET MORE OF WHO YOU ARE, NOT WHAT YOU WANT! Raymond Posch - founder of, author of Awakening to Wholeness and host of two podcasts (OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE and New Ways of Being) shares a profound message of humanity's self-empowerment through his telepathic connection to the Angels, the Council of Masters and God. Humble in his ability to connect and share his telepathic communications with the Angels, the Council of Masters and God, Raymond emphatically supports humanity's ability to create heaven on earth.. He shares that indeed, heaven on Earth is our true mission as a collective. Through extensive studies with channeler and author Sara Landon, Seph Dietlin of Talk to My Angels (twice a guest on THE SOULFAM PODCAST), Eckart Tolle and many others, Raymond learned to elevate his personal vibration to the level he says is essential to connect with God...120,000 vibrations per second. That vps level can be measured with simple muscle testing techniques Raymond shares in this interview on THE SOULFAM PODCAST. By shifting into a state of unconditional love it's possbile, says Raymond, to raise your energy to approximately 20,000 vps. When Raymond became able to converse with God, he was told that because of EMF radiation in the atmosphere, humanity must raise their energy to at least 100,000 vps to converse reliably with spiritual beings. Raymond also discusses important messages from the Angels, the Council of Masters and God that humanity's true mission is to create heaven on Earth. And that we ourselves can each become true creators -- which is what we are meant to be . And that will enable us each to our own personal version of heaven on Earth. A spiritual explorer and wayshower, Raymond offers an audio course called Become a Master of Your Life, available at and powerful crystal pendants he personally designed to raise your vibration. We hope this episode of THE SOULFAM PODCAST and be inspired to create heaven on Earth for yourself, your family, your friends, your community and our planet. WE ARE THE SOVEREIGN COLLECTIVE. THANK YOU LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!! IT MAKES HUUUUUUUGE DIFFERENCE!!! THANKS! THE SOULFAM PODCAST